
动应变相关函数幅值向量在结构异常识别中的试验研究 被引量:1

Experiment Study on Structural Novelty Detection Using Correlation Function Amplitude Vector of Dynamic Strain
摘要 推导了在白噪声激励下,结构动应变相关函数幅值向量仅与结构的频率、模态振型和阻尼比有关。在结构未出现损伤时,相关函数幅值向量中各元素应具有固定的比例。通过钢梁的无损与有损状态下的动应变测试,验证了:(1)钢梁在无损状态下,动应变相关函数幅值向量曲线呈现一致的形式;(2)引入的损伤会导致相关函数幅值向量各元素的比例发生改变,但变化量不与损伤的程度成正比。 Under white noise excitation, it is deduced that correlation function amplitude vector of dynamic strain is only related to the frequency, modal vibration mode and damping ratio of structure. For the undamaged structure, the components of normalized correlation function amplitude vector should be in fixed ratio. Through dynamic strain tests of steel beam under the undamaged and damage condition, it is demonstrated that(1) the curves of dynamic strain correlation function amplitude vector of nondestructive beam show consistent form.(2) The induced damage to beam lead to the change of component ratio of correlation function amplitude vector, while the variation is not proportional to damage level of beam.
机构地区 湖南城市学院
出处 《湖南城市学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第3期9-13,共5页 Journal of Hunan City University:Natural Science
基金 湖南省教育厅一般项目(14C0214) 湖南城市学院大学生科技创新项目(2014xs39)
关键词 损伤识别 动应变 相关函数 damage detection dynamic strain correlation function
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