
新学位体制下德国中小学教师职前培养模式与特点 被引量:5

On the Training Mode of Pre-service School Teachers in Germany in the New Degree System:Stages and Features
摘要 1999年,"博洛尼亚进程"启动后,德国大学逐步采用了本、硕、博三级学位体制。在新的学位体制下,德国中小学教师的职前培养过程包含了一体化的三个阶段:本科阶段、硕士阶段、见习阶段。长期以来,德国中小学教师职前培养模式表现出优质性和独特性:高层次的培养机构和培养标准、高标准的选拔制度、多科型的教师培养目标定位、政府主导的教育见习过程。引入新的学位体制后,德国教师教育在原有的高质量基础上,呈现出新的特点:加强教师教育课程,建立学术性和师范性并重的一体化课程体系;在沿袭精英培养的理念之下,建立更为灵活的多层级选拔和分流机制;在政府主导下,各州教师教育质量的一致性逐渐加强。 With the start of Bologna process since 1999, German universities have gradually adopted bachelor-master-doctor three-level degree system. In the new degree system, training of pre-service school teachers includes three stages : bachelor's education, masterJs education, and induction service period. For a long time, teacher education in Ger- many is characterized by its high quality and uniqueness: high-level training institutions and high training standards;high-criteria selection system; muhifunctional training goal to develop teacher candidates with two or more teaching areas; the leading role of governments in the induction period. With the introduction of the new degree system and based on the original high quality, German teacher education system shows the following new features: focusing more on teacher training courses, and establishing integrated curriculum with equal focus on academies and professionalism; adopting more flexible multi-level selection and distribution system under the concept of elite culture ; gradually enhancing the uniformi- ty of teacher training quality of all states under the leadership of the government.
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期3-13,共11页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"教育政策实施效应研究:基于义务教育政策实施的调查和分析"(项目批准号:71473173)
关键词 德国 新学位体制 中小学教师 职前培养模式 Germany new degree system primary and secondary school teachers pre-service training mode
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