
公民参与、教育与应用社交媒体之间的联系 被引量:2

The Connections between Civic Engagement, Education and the Use of Social Media
摘要 英国的自由主义、国内共和主义两大传统以及新起的社群主义对公民应用社交媒体进行社会参与都有很大影响,公民应用社交媒体参与的领域主要是政治和道德领域,影响公民参与的因素有繁荣的现代化、公共机构、社会资本、志愿主义以及参与地点。尽管社交媒体的教育潜能在英国已被广泛认可,但教师却因保守主义的态度或担心被学生网络欺凌而持排斥态度。要想在公民参与、教育和社交媒体之间建立一种良性循环,首先就要制定合适的政策来确定公民参与的弹性边界;其次是发展可培养学生认知技巧和行动技能的教学法;再次是开展高质量的、专业化的教师培训;最后是加强应用社交媒体促进年轻人公民参与的研究。为进一步开发公民参与、教育和社交媒体之间关系的潜力,今后的努力重点应放在公民参与目的、地点和实践的相关问题上。 I argue, based largely on reflections from the UK, that there is educational potential in the use of social media for helping young people to participate in society. I make this argument cautiously by suggesting that there are very many issues that need to be clarified before we can move towards the possibility of achieving that positive potential. Following some introductory general remarks about the meaning of participation and the relevance of the potential role of social media in educational contexts, there are 3 main sections to this article. Firstly, I discuss perspectives about participation by referring to key traditions, areas of activity, the societal and individual factors that lead to participation and the location of that involvement. Secondly, I explore perspectives about participation and social media that are relevant to educational institutions, to individual students and teachers, and to the nature of learning. Thirdly, I draw together the threads of what has been presented in the article by referring to theoretical models for participation raising implications about educational policy, curricular practice and teacher education. I suggest that there are several areas of research that are needed.
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期19-30,共12页 Academic Monthly
关键词 公民参与 社交媒体 教育 联系 civic engagement, social media, education, connection
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