

On the Historical Genesis of Greek Philosophical Term Aletheia
摘要 "阿莱赛亚"(真、真理)是希腊哲学的一个基本概念。这个词在希腊文中出现得很早,荷马史诗中就已经有了这个词。哲学词汇源于日常用语,讨论哲学概念的生成要注意区分"真"的观念及其语言表达方式。"阿莱赛亚"不是希腊文中表达"真"的日常观念的最典型的方式,而是希腊文中表达"真"的哲学概念的最典型方式。荷马是他所处那个时代的思想者,但还不是一位能够进行理性思维的哲学家。使用"阿莱赛亚"这个词来表达"真"观念并将其形而上学的内涵揭示出来的希腊哲学家是巴门尼德、德谟克利特、柏拉图和亚里士多德。理解这个词要具备跨文化的视野,要用发生学的方法揭示这个术语的哲学内涵,要在跨文化的具体语境中理解和翻译"阿莱赛亚"。 Aletheia is a basic concept of Greek philosophy. This word appeared quite early that, even in the Homer epic it works to express the early Greek people's idea of truth. Philosophical vocabulary generates from daily expressions, and to discuss philosophical concept has to distinguish idea of truth and its expression which is the relevant words or phrases. Aletheia is not the most typical way in Greek to expresses the idea of truth, but is to express philosophical concept of truth. Homer is a thinker of his time, not a philosopher who may think in a rational way. Parmenides, Democritus, Plato and Aristotle are Greek philosophers to define the philosophical terms and elaborate its extent and content of metaphysic. The understanding of Aletheia has to be with a cross-cultural perspective and to adopt the method of genesis. It must be understood and translated in a context of multiple cultures.
作者 王晓朝
机构地区 清华大学哲学系
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期31-36,共6页 Academic Monthly
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"古希腊哲学术语数据库建设"(15ZDB025)的阶段性成果
关键词 真理 表真 Aletheia, true, truth
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  • 1高名凯、石安石主编:《语言学概论》,北京:中华书局,1979年,第105页.
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  • 10王路:《"是"与"真"--形而上学的基石》,第90页.









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