
霍布斯与现代政治哲学的问题——施特劳斯的观点 被引量:1

Hobbes and Modern Political Philosophy——An Analysis Based on Leo Strauss' s Interpretation
摘要 尽管施特劳斯最终认为,现代政治哲学的真正开创者,是马基雅维里而不是霍布斯,但他从来没有否认过霍布斯对现代精神的巨大影响。在施特劳斯看来,几乎现代性危机的方方面面,都直接或间接地源自霍布斯政治哲学的某些大胆尝试。历史主义的产生,可追溯到霍布斯政治哲学为了追求实践效果而对"历史"的吸收和对永恒秩序的忽略。当代伦理上的相对主义,关联着霍布斯对"意见"世界的根本拒斥。现代政治理论中的普遍主义,则在本质上是一种教条主义,源自霍布斯对理论之普遍有效性的追求。追求确定的实践效果是导致这些问题的共同因素,而实践效果的达成是以理论视野的局限为代价的。这种理论视野上的局限,甚至也体现在海德格尔的生存哲学之中。 Although it is Machiavelli rather than Hobbes, according to Leo Strauss's later revision of his own view, that originates the first wave of modernity, the tremendous influence of Hobbes's political philosophy on modern political life he never denies. Quite the opposite, in the view of Strauss, nearly all the aspects of the modern crisis, in which we are trapped now, could be traced to some bold transformation of the classical teaching by Hobbes. The generation of historicism could be traced back to Hobbes's absorption of "history" and the ignorance of the eternal order in his political theory in order to produce necessary practical effect. Contemporary ethical relativism is related to Hobbes's fundamental rejection of the the world of opinions. The universalism, embodied in modern political theories and convictions, is in essence a kind of doctrinairism and could be ascribed to the pursuit of universal effectiveness of Hobbes's political philosophy. The undue attention to real effects in political practice would be the common factor of all the consequences mentioned above, and the expected practical effect is reached at the price of limitations in theoretical vision, which is even perceptible in the philosophy of Heidegger.
作者 李明坤
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期101-108,共8页 Academic Monthly
基金 中国博士后科学基金第55批面上项目(2014M551370)资助
关键词 施特劳斯 霍布斯 政治哲学 相对主义 普遍主义 Leo Strauss, Hobbes, political philosophy, relativism, universalism
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