
服务外包中心理契约应用的理论述评 被引量:1

The Literature Review of the Psychological Contract Theory Application in Outsourcing
摘要 近年来,服务外包快速发展。随着外包管理的复杂性和技术、组织环境的快速变化,客户满意度却并未相应提升,客户与供应商之间的伙伴关系管理受到了挑战。成功的服务外包伙伴关系不仅依赖于正式治理,也依赖于关系治理,两者都有其局限性。而关系治理的新支脉——心理契约的加入为此问题的研究拓宽了思路。文章即是对心理契约在服务外包领域的应用进行梳理和介绍,探寻发包方客户满意程度低的根本原因,并为服务外包的契约治理寻找有效路径。 In recent years, the outsourcing serves have been developing rapidly with the complexity of the outsourcing management and rapid changes in technical and organizational environment, but customer satisfaction has not improved accordingly. The partnerships between customers and suppliers have been challenged. Successful outsourcing partnership depends not only on formal governance, but also on the relationship governance. Both of them have limitations. The new offshoot of relational governance joined in is the psychological contract, and broadens the approaches for the research question. The overseas literature recently related to the psychological contract application in outsourcing are sorted out and introduced. The causes of the low satisfaction of the customer have been explored, and found an effective way for the service outsourcing contract governance.
作者 苏娜
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期72-76,共5页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 江苏省青蓝工程基金项目(2014-2017)
关键词 心理契约 服务外包 正式治理 关系治理 Psychological contract Outsourcing Formal governance Relationship governance
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