
早期阿尔茨海默病患者的视空间注意和应答损害研究 被引量:1

Study on the visual spatial attention and response harm of the patients with early Alzheimer's disease
摘要 目的探讨轻度阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer disease,AD)患者在空间Simon任务中的冲突解决能力,进一步理解AD患者的注意机制、反应选择及认知加工过程。方法采用实验法研究。实验采用3(空间反应一致性:一致、不一致、中性)×2(组别:正常老年组、轻度AD患者组)的混合实验设计,组别为被试间变量。每个被试需完成160个试次。分析反应时、错误率,并比较两组的Simon效应。结果反应时的方差分析显示:组别主效应显著(P<0.01),空间反应一致性主效应显著(P<0.01),组别和空间反应一致性的交互作用显著(P<0.01);比例分数的空间反应一致性主效应显著(P<0.01),组别主效应不显著,空间反应一致性和组别交互作用不显著;轻度AD患者组Simon效应量显著大于正常老年组;错误率的组别主效应显著(P<0.05),空间反应一致性主效应显著(P<0.01),交互作用不显著。结论轻度AD患者较正常老年对照组表现出冲突解决能力的下降,但是当任务难度较低时,轻度AD患者主要表现为总体加工速度的下降,而不表现出特异的抑制损伤;当所需的注意资源增加时,轻度AD患者才表现出抑制损伤。 Objective To investigate the conflict resolution of mild AD patients in the space Simon task, and to understand the AD patients' attention mechanism, response selection and cognitive processing. Methods Experimental method was adopted in the study. 3(spatial response inconsistency: uniform, inconsistent, neutral) ×2(Group: normal elderly group, mild AD patients group) mixed experimental design were conducted, and group was between-subject variable.Each trial was required to complete 160 times of test. Response time and error rate were analyzed, and Simon effect of the two groups was compared. Results The analysis of variance of response time showed that the main effect of group was significant(P〈0.01), the spatial response of spatial response inconsistency was significant(P〈0.01), and the interaction of spatial response of group and spatial response inconsistency was significant(P〈0.01). The Simon effect of mild AD patients was significantly higher than that of normal elderly people. The main effect of error rate between groups was significant, and the main effect of spatial response inconsistency was significant(P〈0.01), but the interaction of error rate and spatial response inconsistency was not significant. Conclusion Compared with the normal elderly people, the mild AD patients show a decrease in conflict resolution ability, but when the task is not difficult, mild AD patients mainly show a decrease of overall processing speed, rather than specific inhibition damage. And when the required attention resources increase, mild AD patients show inhibition damage.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2015年第33期16-20,共5页 China Modern Doctor
基金 浙江省医药卫生科技计划项目(2011KYA029) 国家中医药管理局"十二五"中医药重点学科(国中医药人教发〔2012〕32号)
关键词 轻度AD患者 空间注意 SIMON效应 冲突解决能力 Mild AD patients Spatial attention Simon effect Conflict resolution
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