目的:建立正畸牙移动模型并研究正畸加力组织中昼夜节律基因per1表达的规律性。方法:选取8周龄雄性SD大鼠,按照照明和黑暗时间相等的条件下饲养1周后,每只鼠在上颌前牙与右侧上颌第一磨牙间安装正畸加力装置。矫正2周,micro-CT测量牙齿水平移动距离。2周后将9组SD鼠分别在24h内的9个等距时间节点处死,处死后取正畸加力组织分别行组织学分析和昼夜节律基因per1的定量检测。结果:矫正2周后,牙齿的平均移动距离0.45 mm。形态学分析显示第一磨牙近中牙槽骨吸收,远中有新形成骨。实时荧光定量PCR结果提示昼夜节律基因per1在24 h内的变化呈余弦函数曲线。结论:使用正畸加力装置矫正的牙周组织中存在昼夜节律基因per1的表达并有昼夜节律性。
Objective:To establish animal model for orthodontic tooth movement and investigate the expression of perl in periodontal tissues. Method: After one week adapting period under 12 h light and 12 h dark, 8-week-old male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were installed a piece of orthodontic appliance between maxillary central incisors and maxillary right first molar. The distance of movement was measured by micro-CT during next two weeks. Then, some maxillaries were used to histological analysis and Real-time quantitative PCR assays were performed to quantify expression of the core circa- dian gene perl in the other periodontal tissues around movement teeth. Result: The average distance of first molar was 0.45 mm after two weeks. Alveolar bone was resorptive on the pressure side and new bone was of formation on the tension side. The expression of perl was accordance with cosine curve during 24 h. Conclusion: Perl was found and maintained the cir- cadian rhythm in orthodontic periodontal tissue.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology