
基于干扰避免的Ad hoc网络多路径链路状态路由算法

Anti-Interference Based Multipath Link State Routing Algorithm for Ad hoc Networks
摘要 在分析了现有多路径算法的基础上,设计了一种基于OSPF-MDR的多路径路由算法,新算法通过分别设计源节点、中间节点和目的节点的处理策略,实现了节点不相交多路径,并通过设计一种新的基于干扰避免的流量分配方法,达到平衡网络负载的目的.仿真表明,新算法能有效克服基于链路状态的多路径路由所面对的问题,降低报文平均时延,提高了报文成功递交率,网络的整体性能进一步得到提升. On the basis of the analysis to current multipath routing algorithm,a multipath routing algorithm modified from OSPF-MDR was designed.A node-disjoint path was realized by designing different processing strategies to source node,media node and destination node.The goal of balancing network overhead was also achieved by designing a new traffic splitting method based on anti-interference.Simulations show that the new algorithm can overcome the problem in realizing a link state multipath routing algorithm,decrease packets' average delay,increase packets' successful delivery ratio and improve the performance of the entire network further.
作者 刘永广
出处 《微电子学与计算机》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期12-16,共5页 Microelectronics & Computer
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61001113)
关键词 链路状态 多路径 干扰避免 路由 link state multipath anti-interference routing
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