

An Old Man Who Never Ingratiated Himself with Others——A Research on Fang Wen and His Poems as a Descendant in Early Qing Dynasty
摘要 清初淮安文人社集秉明之遗绪,先有望社肇始于前,四方文人多从之相应,而淮安特殊的地理位置,又使得望社成为南北遗民往还的重要据点。其中桐城方氏的代表人物方文多次至淮参与社集,与望社诸子密切交往,并时相唱和。就人格构成而言,方文遗留给后人的,并非一个单纯的被悬空搁置的所谓"气节",而是有着复杂的历史意涵。由于方文其人与望社一样,在当时并无赫赫之名;唯其如此,在他身上,既无故为奇僻以耸动流俗的"做作",亦无那种难免于"戏"的夸张放诞,其处在历史情境中的本真性,反倒更能凸显其身为遗民的血泪真情。对方氏其人其诗以及他与望社之关系进行考察,有助于更加全面而深入地把握清初遗民的复杂心态、精神取向以及生存样态。 The scholar clubs of Huai’an in early Qing Dynasty originated from the descendants of Ming Dynasty.There was the hope house which could be traced back to the previous times.Scholars from various regions were actively in-volved,in addition to the specific geographical location of Huai'an,the hope house had become an important stronghold for the living of descendants from north and south.Fang Wen,a prominent representative of Fang as a surname from Tongcheng,participated in the hope house,maintained a close relationship with many scholars from it and often interac-ted with them.Given the construction of personality,what Fang Wen left to the later generation was not the so-called integrity which was hung suspended,but had complicated historical implications.Both Fang Wen and the hope house at that time had not achieved great reputation;As a result,he neither had the oddness and affectation,nor the over-exag-geration as the inevitable drama .His authenticity in histoncal context can make the true feeling of blood and tears as the living of descendants even prominent.A research on the relationship of Fang Wen and the hope house can help to further understand the complex mental conditions,spiritual orientations and different forms of living style completely.
作者 郭宝光
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第6期37-42,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 方文 望社 遗民 名节 Fang Wen Wangshe descendants field trip research
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