
CryoSat-2卫星测高计划及其应用 被引量:14

摘要 作为欧空局地球探测计划的一项重要任务,Cryo Sat-2卫星于2010年携带着Ku波段SIRAL(干涉/合成孔径雷达高度计)发射升空。Cryo Sat-2任务的优势在于高精度地测量两极海冰厚度以及监测南极大陆和格陵兰冰盖的变化,同时92°的近极地轨道一定程度上填补了先前遥测卫星的高纬数据缺口。本文对Cryo Sat-2卫星的科学目标、科学需求、任务概况、仪器载荷以及数据产品等方面做了详细的介绍,重点强调了Cryo Sat-2的首要载荷SIRAL和数据校准,最后探讨了Cryo Sat-2在极地领域的应用。 The CryoSat-2 satellite equipped with a Ku-band SAR/Interferometric Radar Altimeter (SIRAL) system was launched in 2010 as part of an important European Space Agency Earth Explorer Opportunity mission. A major advantage of CryoSat-2 is that it has the ability to measure the thickness of polar sea ice and to monitor changes in the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets with high precision. The low earth, polar orbit at an inclination of 92° partly fills the gaps in previous remote sensing satellite data. This paper presents an overview of the scientific objectives and scientific requirements of CryoSat-2, and provides information on the mission, instrument concepts, and data products, with an emphasis on the primary payload, SIRAL, and data calibration. Finally the applications of Cryo- Sat-2 data in the polar regions are introduced.
出处 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 2015年第4期446-453,共8页 Chinese Journal of Polar Research
基金 国家重大科学研究计划(2012CB957701 2013CBA01804) 国家自然科学基金(41176173) 国家海洋局"南北极环境综合考察与评估"专项(CHINARE2013 CHINARE2014) 武汉大学珞珈青年学者项目资助
关键词 CryoSat-2 冰盖 海冰 卫星测高 SIRAL 校准 CryoSat-2, ice sheet, sea ice, satellite altimetry, SIRAL, calibration
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