
从安全环境分析“伊斯兰国”在北非的扩张 被引量:1

An Analysis of Islam's Expansion in North Africa from The Perspective of Secure Environment
摘要 安全环境与"伊斯兰国"恐怖势力在北非的扩张具有直接的关联和互动关系。"伊斯兰国"势力的全球扩张是一种重要现象,其在北非的扩张尤为突出。"伊斯兰国"势力在北非的组织、暴力、宣传扩张,都利用了西亚、北非和更大范围内的安全环境条件,而"伊斯兰国"势力在北非的扩张又在北非、西亚-北非-西非、全球等圈层引发安全环境的压力。打击"伊斯兰国"势力及其在北非的扩张,可以考虑从安全环境角度着眼。 There is a direct and interactive relationship between secure environment and expansion of Islam's terrorist force in North Africa. It is an important phenomenon in terms of global expansion of Islam's expansion, especially expansion in North Africa. Islam force organize, propagandize and expand in North Africa by taking advantage of secure environment conditions, and meanwhile Islam 's expansion in North Africa also poses great pressure to secure environment in North Africa, West Asia - North Africa - West Asia circle. Therefore, we can focus on the perspective of secure environment in combating Islam's force and its expansion in North Africa.
作者 张金平
出处 《山东警察学院学报》 北大核心 2015年第6期5-12,共8页 Journal of Shandong Police College
关键词 “伊斯兰国” 恐怖势力的扩张 安全环境 国际反恐策略 Islam, terrorist force's expansion, secure environment, international counter- terrorism strategy
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