2Brief summary of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform andconsumer protection act, available at. http.//financial service. house.gov/FinancailSvcsDemMedia/file/key_issues/Financial_Regul agtory reform/comprehensive_summary_FinalV5 .pdf.
3Couneil of European Union, 2948th Council meeting Eco- nomic and Finaneial Affairs Press Release, June, 2009.
4Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform and consumer protection act, available at.http.//financialservices.home.gov/FinancialSvcs- DemMedia/file/key_issues/FinanciaLRegulatory Reform/confer- ence_report_FINAL.pdf.
5MacNeil, Iain. The Trajectory of Regulatory Reform in the UK in the Wake of the Financial Crisis. European Business Orga- nization Law Review, Vol.11, 2010.
6Rainer Masera. Reforming financial systems after the cri- sis. a comparison of EU and USA .PSL Quarterly Review, Vol.63, 2010.
7Ben S. Bernanke, Financial Innovation and ConsumerProtection, available at. http.//www.federalreserve.gov/newsev- ents/speech/bemanke20090417a.htm. 2009.