
欧美投资者与东道国争端解决条款的最新动向 被引量:9

The Trend of Investor- State Dispute Settlement Provisions Drafted by Europe and America
摘要 从宏观的角度来看,美国和欧盟的投资者与东道国之间争端解决条款有着共同的发展趋势,即在强化对东道国权益保护的同时,谋求在保护投资者私人利益和维护东道国公共利益之间的平衡。在具体规则的设计上,它们也有着共同的价值追求,包括鼓励通过友好方式解决争端、限制投资者对诉权的滥用、提升透明度、强化第三方参与、增强对仲裁庭和仲裁员的约束和监督等。不过,欧盟在总体上更加注重对东道国利益的考量。在目前的中美和中欧BIT谈判中,我国可以将欧美在ISDS条款上的要价作为谈判筹码,换取欧美在其他有利于我国的条款上的让步。此外,我国还应采取切实措施提升我国政府和企业参与国际投资仲裁的能力。 From the macroscopic perspective,the current investor- state dispute settlement provisions drafted by EU and U. S. share the same trend,that is,while strengthening the protection of the interests of the host country,we should seek to the balance between protecting the private interests of investors and the maintenance of the public interests of the host country. They also pursue the same values when drafting the specific rules,including encouraging parties to settle the disputes by amicable methods,restricting investors' abuse of their rights to litigate,enhancing transparency and third parties' involvement,and reinforcing the regulation and supervision of arbitral tribunals and arbitrators. However,EU attaches more importance to ensuring host states' right to regulate than U. S. in current Sino- EU and Sino- U. S. BIT negotiations,China should use what EU and U. S. want regarding ISDS provisions as a bargaining chip to secure their compromise on other provisions more beneficial to China. Moreover,China should adopt practical measures to improve the ability of our government and investors to participate in international investment arbitration.
作者 宋俊荣
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期177-184,共8页 Commercial Research
关键词 欧美 投资者 东道国 国际投资仲裁 Europe and America investor host state international investment arbitration
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