
“粉丝经济”中的青年偶像崇拜与“审美劳动” 被引量:5

The Fans Economy and Aesthetic Labor
摘要 通过对一家明星所开的潮流店内售货员的劳动过程进行研究,揭示了"粉丝经济"的"符号特征"及此经济形式下售货员的"审美劳动"过程、劳动控制的机制。明星所开潮流店是"粉丝经济"的衍生品,而"粉丝经济"的本质是对"符号"的生产、交换与消费。明星及其所在的公司生产"符号",而粉丝们消费"符号",公司内售货员则被要求在劳动中体现"符号"。这不仅表现在招聘过程中对他们形象的强调,还表现在管理中也利用了粉丝对偶像的崇拜。但繁重的工作考核和无处不在的监督机制都给身为粉丝的售货员带来了重重压力,从而瓦解了他们对偶像的崇拜之情。 This paper focuses on the labor process of the retailers who work in the brand owned by the Star.It explores the symbolic character of Fans Economy as well as the labor control of these retailers' aesthetic labor.It argues that the star owned brand plays the significant role in the Fans Economy which produces,exchanges and consumes the "symbol".In this type of economy,the star and enterprises produce "symbol",while the fans consume the " symbol".At the same time,the retailers are required to represent the "symbol" in their labor process.Consequently,the retailers are required to take care of their shape to represent the commodities.Their body has become the symbol of the commodities as well.Meanwhile,the admission of Fans toward their Stars has blurred the class conflict between retailer and their star boss.However,the work pressure and severe management have damaged the relationship between worker and their star boss.
机构地区 上海财经大学
出处 《青年学报》 2015年第4期57-61,共5页 Youth Research
基金 2015年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"服务业变迁中女性劳动者的身份认同研究"(项目编号:15YJC840028) "全国妇女/性别研究与培训基地(山东女子学院)开放基金项目"重点项目"服务业变迁与女性服务员权益保障研究"(项目编号:2014SDJDA03)
关键词 粉丝经济 审美劳动 符号 fans economy aesthetic labor symbol
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