Vehicle sounds are important factors of customer satisfaction and have a decisive influence on the product automobile andits quality impression. It becomes more and more important to connect customer requirements and technical specifications to developa vehicle sound with high quality. The turn indicator sound can be described as one sound, which gives the customer an importantfeedback of correct function performance and can be seen as one of the sounds, which play a role in the customer's perception ofvehicle quality. In a laboratory experimental study, the question was investigated, how a turn indicator sound must be designed to beperceived as pleasant and high-quality. A multidimensional approach was chosen to combine subjective customer assessments,objective psychophysiological responses of the study participants and physical parameters of the sounds. In total, 15 different tumindicator sounds were assessed by 48 subjects. The study shows how the connection of subjective and objective parameters cansupport product development. The multi-dimensional approach helps to derive recommendations for action to improve the soundquality of the product automobile. Also, the study shows a possibility to involve the human factor in a highly technical environment.