With the increasing number of applications and services online, more and more business processes are carried out in a fully integrated digital working environment. To ensure the success of a business and the smart capture and reuse of organizational knowledge, adequate recordkeeping is essential. A review of the related literature indicates that international trends and future directions of recordkeeping awareness, recordkeeping processes and regimes, recordkeeping systems and technologies are moving towards meta-synthetic support in a digital environment at strategic level. However, little has been discussed about specific strategies of meta-synthetic support for digital recordkeeping, and in turn, organizational knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to propose the adoption and adaptation of the ISO/TC 46/SC 11 series of standards and the integrated use of ISO management systems standards (MSSs) as enablers of meta-synthetic strategies to enhance organizational performance and accountability through sustainable digital recordkeeping. The integrated use of ISO MSSs provides ever increasing opportunities for integrated product, process, service, and compliance control. The mechanisms of the above meta-synthetic strategies are collaboration, optimization, innovation, and compliance. The theoretical foundations are the integrated use of life-cycle, continuum and ecosystem theories with multidisciplinary perspectives. The practical outcomes are the support of varied evidence-based collaborations at multiple levels, such as national strategies and plans for digital continuity, knowledge sharing and reuse, open government initiatives, e-government information architecture and services competence building, and enterprise information governance.
This work is partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Key Program (Project Number: 71133006/G0314
Project Name: Developments of the Information Resources Industry in China: Strategies and Policies) and the National Social Science Foundation of China Major Program (Project Number: 13 & ZD 184
Project Name: Novel Mechanisms for the Integration of National Digital Archival Resources and Their Utilization).