

Design and implementation of intermediate frequency signal source of GPS software receiver
摘要 基于软件无线电的GPS接收机软件化的实现,以其可编程、易修改、模块化、对算法适应性强、可扩展性优等特点,成为近些年卫星导航领域的研究热点。文章就GPS信号的构成、调制方式、信号特性以及信号源设计进行了详细的阐述,在Matlab/Simulink平台上实现各参数可控的、满足各种实际条件的GPS信号源的建模与仿真,为GPS软件接收机算法研究等后续研究工作提供前提条件。 GPS Software Receiver based on software radio,which has many excellent features such as its programmability,easy modification,modularity,algorithm adaptability and scalability,has become a research hotspot in the field of satellite navigation recently.This paper introduces the components of GPS signals,modulation methods,signal features and signal source design.It achieves a GPS signal source with controllable parameters in Matlab/Simulink platform for modeling and simulation,using this source to test and verify the algorithm of acquisition and tracking.
作者 于鉴桐 李刚
出处 《湖南邮电职业技术学院学报》 2015年第4期38-43,共6页 Journal of Hunan Post and Telecommunication College
基金 湖南邮电职业技术学院青年课题"室内定位技术在大型城市综合体中的应用研究"(2015CZ02)
关键词 GPS软件接收机 中频信号源 仿真 GPS software receiver IF signal source simulation
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