使用CPK算法进行加密时需要连接硬件CPK TF卡,ios操作系统由于自身封闭性,无法内置CPK TF卡,从而无法进行CPK加密。为了有效解决ios系统这一问题,本文设计了一种方案,先将ios系统中需要加密的信息通过蓝牙4.0传送到CPK加密终端,然后在终端生成数字信封并进行CPK加密,最后再将加密后的信息通过蓝牙4.0传送回ios系统,从而实现ios系统上的CPK加密。随后ios系统可以将加密后的信息发送到目的地进行解密,解密时首先打开数字信封,然后进行CPK解密,得到发送的原始信息,从而实现信息的安全传输。
Because of its closure,ios system is forbidden to directly connect to bulit-in CPK TF Card. Without CPK TF Card, mes- sages could not be encrypted by CPK algorithm. In order to solve this problem of ios system, a novel scheme is proposed, in which the messages from los system is fairly transmitted to CPK encryption terminal by Bluetooth 4.0, then the digital envelope is generated and the messages on CPK encryption terminal encrypted, and finally the encrypted messages is sent back to ios system by Bluetooth 4.0. After all these steps, the encrypted message on ios system is transmitted to the destination for decryption. In decryping the messages, the digital envelope is firstly opened and the key acquired, then the key is used to decrypt the messages via CPK algorithm, and finally the original message acquired, thus accomplishing the message transmission in security.
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