
发展与性别平等:一个中印比较的视角 被引量:3

Development and Gender Equality: A Sino-Indian Comparative Study
摘要 从十九世纪末二十世纪初以降,在印度和中国"女性问题"就和民族主义、现代性诉求相纠缠。和印度认为女性的传统角色代表印度本质不同,中国民族主义者视传统为现代化的障碍,由此奠定两国相似又不同的"女性问题"方案。1940年代建国后,两国面临着类似处境但有不同的社会制度,农村性别平等议题延续了之前的格局。基于对华中莲荷县和印度南部岗德社区的跨时段追踪调查和比较研究,本文意在从社会性别的视角去理解和反思两个农村社区的发展历程和性别平等进程。本文比较了两地在经济参与、男孩偏好和出生性别比、教育性别平等、婚姻和儿女在父母养老中的角色等方面,并分析其背后的机制。文章发现两地女性地位都有提升,但女孩自身的福祉仍不是关注的重点。对传统的持守以及更多割裂社会的制度如种姓、宗教和地区差异,使得印度抑制社会性别平等的障碍更多。莲荷县女性在"个体化"路上走得更远,但社区需要回头去关照那些随传统一起被丢在后面的群体。 Since the late 19th century and early 20th century, in both India and China, "women question" has been entangled with nationalism and the pursuit for modernity. Based on the comparative study of the longitudinal data collected in Lianhe County, a central China rural country and Gounder Community, a rural community in western Tamil Nadu, South India, this paper intends to understand and reflect upon the development path and gender equality process of these two rural communities from a gender perspective. It compares the following aspects: women's participation in local economy, son preference and the change of sex ratio, gender equality of education, marriage and sons/daughters' role in aged parents' elderly care, and analyzes the mechanisms behind both communities has improved, the similarities and differences. One of the findings is that gender equality but "the well-being of the women themselves" is still not the key focus.
作者 黄玉琴
出处 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第5期24-36,共13页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
基金 上海市浦江人才计划(14PJC022) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(2015) 华东理工大学校基金科学研究项目(YE0142118)
关键词 性别平等 农业发展 中国印度 gender equality rural development China India
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