以设置在四川省邛崃国有林场的22 a生鹅掌楸种源试验林为研究对象,测定其树高、胸径、枝下高和冠幅等主要生长性状,进行遗传变异分析和种源选择。结果表明:鹅掌楸属多个种的生长性状在种源间存在极显著或显著的遗传差异。9个种源的鹅掌楸平均树高12.44 m,平均胸径20.20 cm,平均材积0.2182 m^3,平均冠幅3.18m,平均枝下高8.35 m。海拔高低对鹅掌楸胸径生长影响显著。树高、胸径、材积、冠幅和枝下高的种源广义遗传力分别为0.856、0.847、0.806、0.576与0.547,受较强的遗传控制。以树高、胸径和材积3个性状的生长量为指标,综合评选出3个优良种源,分别是贵州黎平、四川叙永和美国A。入选种源的胸径、树高和材积的平均遗传增益分别是19.56%、6.60%和35.36%,贵州黎平种源的材积遗传增益最多(39.88%),四川叙永次之(33.71%)。综合筛选出6株优良单株,入选优良单株胸径、树高与材积平均值分别是30.4 cm、15.17 m与0.5230 m3,分别超总体均值22.09%、14.47%与66.63%。本研究为四川地区的鹅掌楸栽培推广提供了物质条件和理论依据。
In this paper,Liriodendron provenance forest at the age of twenty-two in Qionglai National Forest Farm in Sichuan province was taken as the research object, the main growth traits such as tree height ( H), diameter at breast height ( DBH), volume ( V), height under branch (HB) and crown width (CW) were determined in order to analyze the genetic variation and conduct the selection of its provenance. The results showed that there were statistically significant difference in H, DBH, and V among different provenances , while there were significant difference in HB, and CW. The average H, average DBH, average V, average CW and average HB of 9 provenances were 12.44 m,20. 20 cm,0. 2182 m3 ,3.18 m and 8.35 m respectively. The elevation level had a significant influence on the DBH growth of Liriodendron. The hereditabilities of tree height, DBH, volume of tree, CW and HB were 0. 856,0. 847,0. 806,0. 576 and 0. 547,which indicated that the growth traits were strongly controlled provenances Liping Guizhou, Xuyong Siehuan and America A, were sel by genetic factors. Three superior ected by synthetic evaluation. The selected provenances' genetic increments of DBH, H and stem volume were 19.56%, 6. 60% and 35.36% respectively. Six superior individuals were selected out by comprehensive appraisal, whose average DBH,H and stem volume were 30. 4 cm, 15.17 m and 0. 5230 m3 respectively,and exceeded the population means of 22. 09%, 14.47% and 66.63% respectively. This study provided the material conditions and theoretical basis for the cultivation and popularization of Liriodendron in Sichuan region.
Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology
Liriodendron, Provenance, Character variation, Provenance selection