Since the approved of the demonstration zone of industrial transfer undertaking by Southern Hunan, it has achieved marked results in attracting investments and undertaking industrial transfer and promoting the local economic and social development. However, by contrast with the "four strategic positioning" of the demonstration zone and the construction aim of 2020, it has not done enough in the areas of high-start-point introducing and high-standard-transfer of the three cities of Southern Hunan. It also has not done enough in the areas of building a modern industrial system with distinctive feature and strong competition as well as full playing the role of supporting and leading of high-tech zone, high-tech industrial base and other high- tech industrial carriers and developing greatly the high-tech industry. Therefore, the three cities of Southern Hunan should speed up the implementation of innovation drive development strategy, increase the technology input and technology investment efforts, innovate the undertaking industry mode, promote the quality and expansion of the Park and build a industrial zone with special features. We should also increase the efforts of introducing innovative talents, strengthen collaborative innovation of industry-university-research, strengthen the guarantee measures, create good environment and combine the undertaking industrial transfer with the optimization of industrial structure and regional layout and make the demonstration zone a "growth pole" leading the economic development of Hunan Province.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University
demonstration zone of industrial transfer undertaking by Southern H unan
high-tech industry