

Western Educational Idea and Development of China's Tourism Vocational Education
摘要 以语言建构主义理论为指导,从言语行为角度分析西方发达国家教育理念的建构及旅游职业教育改革的规则和路径,认为我国的旅游教育在吸纳西方教育理念同时,既要全面了解西方教育发展结构的语境,找到中西教育理念共性,又要改革创新,探索形成具有中国特色的旅游职业教育发展模式。 The study uses language constructivism as the guiding theory, and tries to analyze how the western countries construct the rules of China's tourism vocational education reform through educational ideas. While China is learning the western ideas, we should fully understand the context of western tourism education discourses, and find the commonplace. Only through innovation can we construct China's distinctive development mode for tourism vocational education.
作者 胡爱清
出处 《韶关学院学报》 2015年第11期156-161,共6页 Journal of Shaoguan University
关键词 西方教育理念 旅游职业教育发展路径 语言建构主义 western educational idea development of China's tourism vocational education language constructivism theory
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