

Study on Relationship between Negotiation Culture and OER Development:Enlightenment of American Research University
摘要 在民主主义管理下的经济与政治发展中,社会资本扮演着越来越重要的角色,伴随高水平社会资本的崛起催生了合作和信任的规范,并进而培育了协商文化。作为一种较为前沿的民主主义文化,协商文化致力于建立一种更加公平、公正和合理的教育制度环境,与社会资本所蕴含的信任、互惠、规范等要素一脉相承,其精神实质是民主主义教育,而开放教育资源借助其理念、技术和内容营造了一种特殊的民主主义教育环境。美国研究型大学的开放教育资源项目体现了显著大学协商文化,在协商文化的作用下,卡内基·梅隆大学OLI项目不断渗透差异教学理念,莱斯大学Connexions项目逐步实现了模块化设计与通用性编码。 In the economic and political development process under democratic management, social capital plays a more and more important role. Giving birth to cooperation and trust with the rise of the high level of social capital specification, and then cultivate ne gotiating culture. As a relatively new democratic culture, negotiating culture is devoted to creating a more fair, just and reasonable education system, come down in one continuous line with the social capital contains trust, reciprocity, specification and other factors, its essence is the democratic education, and OER create a special democratic education environment through its concept, technology and content. America Research University OER program reflects the significant university negotiating culture, under the action of negotia-ting culture, Carnegie Mellon University OLI program continue to penetrate the difference teaching philosophy, Rice University Con- nexions program gradually realizes the modularization design and universal coding.
机构地区 南通大学
出处 《现代远距离教育》 CSSCI 2015年第6期43-50,共8页 Modern Distance Education
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2014年度教育部重点项目(编号:DHA140275)"教育均衡发展视野下基于MOOC平台的优质教育资源共建共享机制研究" 中国博士后科学基金第56批面上资助项目(编号:2014M561631)"中美比较视野下研究型大学开放教育资源的建设研究" 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究基金指导项目(编号:2014SJD616)"高等教育国际化视野下开放教育资源发展研究"阶段性成果
关键词 协商文化 开放教育资源 美国研究型大学 Negotiation culture OER American research university
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