
购物中心内零售集聚的需求外部性度量研究 被引量:3

The Research on Measurement of Inter-Store Retail Externality of Shopping Center
摘要 文章从消费者的角度探究出一个可操作的方法对购物中心内零售集聚需求外部性进行度量,即用购物中心店铺客流社会网络的间距中心度替代租金指标来表征店铺的需求外部性。在购物中心租金决定因素文献梳理的基础上,总结出影响购物中心租金的三个指标,店铺面积、店铺类型和店铺品牌,然后以银泰城购物中心作为研究对象,用间距中心度替代租金指标进行实证研究,实证结论进一步验证了Brueckner(1993)的研究结论,即店铺面积越大,需求外部性越大,也证实了以商品零售、餐饮零售和服务零售为划分的店铺类型对需求外部性有显著影响,消费者角度的店铺品牌吸引力对需求外部性有显著影响。 This paper explores an operable method to measure inter-store externality of shopping center from the angle of cus- tomer. The index of rent which reflects demand externality is replaced by intermediate center degree of social network of customer passenger flow in shopping center. After literature review about determinants of shopping center rents, this paper summarizes three factors: store size, store type and store brand. By conducting an empirical research of In-Time center, it further verifies the conclu- sion of Brueckner(1993) : the larger the store size, the greater the externality, and it also verifies the significant influence of store types which is divided into commodity retail, catering retail and service retail on externality as well as the significant influence of at- tractiveness of store brand for consumer on externality.
作者 曾锵
出处 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期15-24,共10页 Journal of Business Economics
关键词 购物中心 需求外部性 租金 间距中心度 shopping center demand externality rent intermediate center degree
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