

Optimization of PCR-based method for rapid detection of genetically modified(GM) papaya
摘要 随着公众对转基因食品安全性的关注,转基因番木瓜的快速检测技术成为关键问题。优化了番木瓜总DNA的提取方法,选用木瓜蛋白酶基因(Papain)作为内源参照基因,建立了转基因番木瓜GM YK和华农一号的双重PCR定性检测方法。通过对广州市超市和批发市场222个样品的检验,并与SN/T 2653—2010行业标准对比,证明该方法具有污染少、速度快、成本低的优点。 The safety of genetically modified (GM) food has attracted much attention recently. Demands for developing rapid identification method of GM crops in food have been increased dramatically. In this study, a rapid method for detection of genetically modified papaya by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed. The method for the extraction of total DNA method was optimized, the Papain was used as an endogenous reference gene, and a double PCR qualitative way to detect GM papaya varieties ‘GM YK' and ‘Huanong No. 1' was established. Through testing 222 papaya samples from supermarkets and wholesale markets in Guangzhou, the new established double PCR qualitative detection method shows advantages of less pollution, quicker detection and lower cost as compared with the results of industry standard SN/T 2653--2010.
出处 《生态科学》 CSCD 2015年第6期36-41,共6页 Ecological Science
基金 华南农业大学国家级创新训练项目(编号:201310564050)
关键词 转基因番木瓜 品系鉴定 PCR检测 DNA提取 GM papaya cultivar identification PCR test DNA extraction
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