Objective Although the comparison of the medial and lateral technique for single-injection ultrasound guided infraclavicular block is well established,no controlled study of it is available,and the relative risks and benefits remain unknown. In this randomized study,we compared the lateral( LIT) and medial( MIT) puncture sites for continuous infraclavicular block( CINB),with respect to catheterization facility and analgesia quality for elbow release sugery. Method Forty patients undergoing elbow release surgery were randomly assigned to receive ultrasound-guided CINB either with the lateral puncture inferior to the coracoids process( lateral group,n = 20) or the medial one at the apex of tedelto-pectoral groove( medial group,n = 20). Catheters were advanced blindly 3 cm beyond needle tip. 1% lidocaine 40 ml was administered and sensory block of all the four nerves within 15 minutes was defined as success. All surgery was conducted under general anesthesia. Postoperatively,subjects were discharged ward with a portable pump( 250 ml reservoir) infusing 0. 2% ropivacaine( basal rate of 5ml / h; 5ml bolus dose; 20 min lockout interval). Cathetering procedure time,ultrasound anatomy structure character and side effects during needle insertion were recorded. Post-operative VAS was assessed respectively at 24 h,36h and 48 h. Rage of motion( ROM) percentage of the elbow joint on POD3( gold standard for surgery effect),patient satisfaction and were recorded. Result All catheters were successfully placed. More stable position of the nerve cords and less amount of veins within the puncture path ensured its catheterization facility. MIT had more perfect block for cutaneus brachii medialis,while LIT for axillary N. There were no significant differences in pain scores,improvement of ROM percentage,incidence of catheter occlusion or dislocation and patient satisfaction between the two groups. Conclusion In CINB under ultrasound guidance,LIT had more clear and stable anatomy structures,facilitating the catheterization operation and lower the side effects of catheter insertion while providing a similar quality of analgesia after elbow release surgery as compared with MIT.
Chinese Journal of Medicine
Nerve block
Orthopedic surgery