目的对出入境人员精神卫生状况快速测评量表测评结果进行结构方程模型分析(Analysis Model Of Structuralequation,简称AMOS),并制定出入境人员精神状况快速测评量表常模。方法采用口岸精神卫生快速测评量表(Mental health fast self rating scale of port以下简称FSRS),对2012年4月—2014年12月在福建国际旅行卫生保健中心进行健康体检的出入境人员17 554人次进行测评,利用AMOS16.0及SPSS21.0软件对测评结果进行拟合度、信效度分析及常模制定。结果 FSRS模型拟合程度较好,有较高的信效度。验证性因子分析(以下简称CFA)从强迫、抑郁、偏执和精神病性这4个维度进行验证,得出模型拟合结果(CMIN/df=24.417,NFI=0.866,TLI=0.855,CFI=0.871,PNFI=0.773,RMSEA=0.048);该量表各维度间的相关系数均大于0.85;总量表信度Cronbach’sα系数为0.90,各维度的Cronbach’sα系数均大于0.80;分半信度为0.91;各维度的效标效度均大于0.65(P<0.001)。女性人员的强迫、抑郁、偏执、精神病性4项因子分高于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且女性人员的测谎分也较高;不同类别的出入境人员分析结果显示:做家务类人员4项因子分均高于其他职业;年龄<20岁的人员,强迫、偏执因子分均高于其他年龄组旅客(P<0.05)。结论 FSRS可推广应用于口岸精神卫生测评;因测评结果区分度好,可制定福州口岸出入境人员FSRS常模标准(即正常值参考范围),为排除心理问题以及精神疾病提供比对标准。
Objective To construct a structural equation model of mental health fast self rating scale(hereinafter referred to briefly as FSRS) on further AMOS analysis, as well as to set up?the normal standard of it for entry-exit personnel at Fuzhou port. Methods The total number of 17 554 entry-exit personal had been tested by using FSRS?from Apr, 2012 to Dec, 2014 at Fuzhou port, The analysis of data was done with both SPSS 21.0 for reliability and variance analysis and AMOS 16.0 for confirmatory factor analysis. Results AMOS research shows: FSRS have high validity, and exhibited good fit index(CMIN/df =24.417, NFI =0.866, TLI =0.855, CFI =0.871,PNFI =0.773,RMSEA=0.048). The correlation coefficient of the scale of each dimension are all greater than 0.85; Total scale of Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.901, and different dimension of the Cronbach's alpha coefficients are greater than0.80; Binary reliability is 0.908;Each dimension of criterion validity are greater than 0.65. Variance analysis shows :The female entry-exit passengers of different age and profession were both found to have higher scores in force,depression, paranoid and psychosis;Housework passengers were found to have higher scores than other occupation;Passengers under 20 s group were found to have higher scores than other age groups. Conclusion FSRS is high reliability and validity, mental health test is suitable for the entry-exit personal Because of the scale evaluation results to have good distinguishing, trying to make the norm standards of FSRS(the normal reference range) for entry-exit personnel In order to help primary diagnosis of mental illness.
Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine