为揭示隆回植烟土壤有机质含量分布特征及其影响因素,提高烤烟生产施肥的科学性,采用传统统计学、相关分析、回归分析以及灰色关联方法分析了隆回植烟土壤有机质含量分布特点及其影响因素。结果表明:1隆回烟区植烟土壤有机质含量平均值为32.22 g/kg,处于"适宜"水平,处于"适宜"范围内的样本占51.0%;24种不同土类之间有机质含量达到极显著差异,有机质含量在"适宜"水平的土壤样本数比例为红壤>石灰岩土>黄壤>水稻土;36种不同土壤质地间有机质含量存在极显著差异,其中轻壤土、砂壤土和中壤土有机质含量处于"适宜"水平的比例较高;4植烟土壤全氮、有效磷和全钾含量偏高,碱解氮含量适宜,全磷和速效钾含量偏低;5影响植烟土壤有机质含量分布的土壤养分因素有土壤氮素、磷素以及钾素,对有机质含量分布影响大小顺序为碱解氮>速效钾>全钾>全磷>有效磷>全氮;6有机质含量随碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量的升高而提高,而全氮、全钾和全磷与有机质含量之间呈二次曲线关系。
In order to reveal the distribution characteristics of organic matter contents and the influence factors in tobacco planting soil at Longhui area,and improve the fertilization of flue-cured tobacco production,this paper analyzed the distribution characteristics of organic matter contents and the influence factors by traditional statistics,correlation analysis,regression analysis and grey correlation method. The results indicated that 1 the organic matter contents in soil of Longhui tobacco growing areas was in the " appropriate" level with 32. 22 g / kg mean value,and51.0% samples were in the " appropriate" level; 2 the contents of organic matter of 4 different agro-type soils were significantly different,and the percent of samples in the " appropriate" level was red soil limestone soil yellow soil paddy soil; 3 the organic matter contents of 6 different soil texture were also significantly different,among them the light loam,sandy loam and medium loam had a higher proportion of " appropriate" level than the others; 4the contents of total nitrogen,available phosphorus and total potassium were high,the content of alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen was in the " appropriate" level,while the contents of total phosphorus and available potassium were low; 5the order of influencing organic matter content distribution was alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen available potassium total potassium total phosphorus available phosphorus total nitrogen; 6 the contents of alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium had a positive correlation to the organic matter contents,and the contents of total nitrogen,total potassium and total phosphorus had a quadratic curve with organic matter contents in soil.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
tobacco growing soil
organic matter
distribution characteristics
influence factor