
广义剪切活动准则 被引量:11

Generalized shear activation criterion
摘要 针对经典的剪切破裂准则(Coulomb-Mohr准则和以Byerlee律为代表的滑动摩擦律)存在局限,在Coulomb-Mohr准则和Byerlee律的基础上,从产生剪切破裂的物理本质出发,应用先存构造活动性准则和活动趋势分析理论,提出"广义剪切活动准则"。该准则可以用来定量判断任意介质、在任意三轴应力状态下、任意方位界面(包括先存薄弱面和非薄弱面)发生剪切活动的可能性,并把Coulomb-Mohr准则从均匀介质扩展到有先存构造的非均匀介质,从临界应力状态扩展到任意应力状态,把Byerlee律为代表的滑动摩擦律从二维应力状态扩展到任意三轴应力状态,具有广阔的应用前景。 There are some limitations in classic shear fracture criteria such as Coulomb-Mohr criterion and sliding friction law represented by Byerlee law. On the base of Coulomb-Mohr criterion and Byerlee law, starting from the physical nature of shear fracture, and applying the activation criterion of pre-existing weakness and the theory of activation tendency analysis, a generalized shear activation criterion is proposed. The criterion can be used to quantitatively determine the probability of shear activation for any medium, any stress state, any orientation plane. It extends not only Coulomb-Mohr criterion from homogeneous media to inhomogeneous media with pre-existing weakness, but the sliding friction law represented by Byerlee law from 2D stress state to any triaxial stress state, and shows broad application prospects.
出处 《自然杂志》 2015年第6期441-447,共7页 Chinese Journal of Nature
基金 国家自然科学基金(41272160 40772086) 国家油气重大专项(2011ZX05006-006-02-01 2011ZX5023-004-012)资助
关键词 剪切活动 先存构造 Coulomb-Mohr准则 Byerlee律 广义剪切活动准则 shear activation, pre-existing weakness, Coulomb-Mohr criterion, Byerlee law, generalized shear activation criterion
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