
任意备件条件下的k/n系统维修优化模型 被引量:5

Optimal maintenance model for k/nsystem with random spares
摘要 为了解决任意备件条件下k/n系统的维修问题,提出一种(s,c,m,T,r)维修策略,建立了在该维修策略下系统的使用可用度模型以及维修费用模型。结合系统维修需求及实际情况,以使用可用度最大、单位时间维修费用最小作为优化目标,建立了k/n系统的多目标维修优化模型。设计了一种基于遗传算法的模型求解算法,利用该算法可以得到多种维修方案,为维修决策者提供参考。以某单位相控阵雷达天线阵面维修为例,借助模型算法得到了具体的维修方案。 To solve the maintenance problems of k/n system with random spares,a maintenance policy named(s,c,m,T,r)was proposed.Firstly,both operational availability model and maintenance costs model were built in the proposed maintenance policy.Secondly,a multi-objective optimal maintenance model by taking the maximum operational availability and the minimum maintenance costs per unit as the optimization objectives was built.And then a solution algorithm based on genetic algorithm was designed to get multiple maintenance plans which offer a reference to the maintenance decision maker.Finally,through the proposed optimal maintenance model,some specific maintenance plans of the maintenance of the phased array radar antennas in one radar troop were obtained.
出处 《解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI 北大核心 2015年第6期569-574,共6页 Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 k/n系统 维修优化模型 任意备件 维修策略 使用可用度 k/nsystem optimal maintenance model random spares maintenance policy operational availability
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