In view of the dual function of river water and lake wave at Wen Xisan Block, San Fangjian forma- tion braided river delta front reservoir sand, and the characteristics of sand structure, occurrence condition and complex remaining oil distribution in the waterflood development, the paper puts forward using the concept of single permeability sand layer favorable microfacies belt to refinedly evaluate favorable sedimentary microfacies and remaining oil distribution. The single permeability sand layer energy thickness is used, which vertical su- perimposed evolution in the sedimentary period of sand layer, to confirm favorable microfacies belt develop- ment, scale and distribution range of braided river delta front underwater distributary channel, mouth bar, sheet sands, and far sand. This not only effectively overcomes the mistakes made in similar causes poor thin sand layer or sand mud interbed sand layer accumulative thickness identification and body skeleton channel sand body, river mouth bar microfacies belt partition, but also avoids losing remote sheet sand, distal sand mi- crofacies sandbodies which vertical superimposed evolution with the main microfacies. Thus, in this paper, fa- vorable single permeability sand microfaeies belt concept is taken, through the single permeability sand layer thickness, self-potential decrease coefficient, natural gamma ray decrease coefficient, acoustic interval, densi- ty, neutron porosity, deep lateral, deep induction resistivity and lithology, porosity, permeability of objective strata, to set single permeability sand layer energy thickness refined evaluation standard of favorable sedimen- tary mierofacies, accurately extracting single permeability sand favorable sedimentary microfacies belt sedimen- tary energy and logging parameter information, effectively showing the plane distribution scale and scope of single permeability sand layer energy thickness vertical evolution underwater distributary channel, mouth bar, sheet sand, distal sand microfacies at the objective strata, and citing that in the waterflood development the strata remaining oil distributed is caused by differential layers in main microfacies river channel positive super- imposed rhythmite and non-subject microfacies sheet sand layer disturbed by river channel high permeability layer. Those made a reliable geological basis to accurately predict and filtrate remaining oil distribution in dif- ferent types of used and unused (or basically unused) reservoirs.
Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition)
single permeability sand layer favorable microfacies belt
sedimentary energy and logging parameter
vertical superimposed evolution
main microfacies mistake
un-subject microfacies losing
filtrate remaining oil distribution