
LED广告屏对居住建筑形成的典型色光侵扰数据调查研究——以天津市为例 被引量:3

Investigation on Typical Chromatic Light Trespass around Residential Buildings Caused by LED Advertising Screens——Tianjin City as An Example
摘要 在其众多光侵扰源中,LED广告屏因其发光面积大、亮度高、且亮度瞬时变化大和色彩饱和度高等特点,成为典型的色光侵扰来源。本文通过对建筑窗口部位的光参数测试及周边居民的主观调查,分析研究居住建筑由LED广告屏形成的色光侵扰问题。通过天津市的7个典型案例测试数据的分析,获取典型色光的光谱范围及对应的亮度数值范围等因素,并比对现有的相关规范标准要求,以明确色光侵扰的程度。 Among all the light sources of light trespass,LED advertising screen is one of the most typical chromatic light trespass sources due to the following concerns,including large luminous area,high luminance,great transient luminance variation difference,high color saturation and so on.The study is based on two surveys.One is the optical parameter data collected on light trespass effect by LED advertising screen through the window.The other is the subjective investigation of the surrounding residents.Through the above surveys,this paper analyzed typical chromatic light trespass around residential buildings caused by LED Advertising Screens.From the data collected in Tianjin,7 cases in total,the study analyzed the spectral range of the typical chromatic light trespass,the range of the luminance and duration of light trespass.In conclusion,the study compared the data with the current code standard of lighting design,in order to determine the degree of typical chromatic light trespass.
出处 《照明工程学报》 2015年第6期45-49,86,共6页 China Illuminating Engineering Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(项目编号:51208351) 天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划(一般项目)(项目编号:15JCYBJC22000)
关键词 LED广告屏 居住建筑的色光侵扰 数据调查 LED advertising screen chromatic light trespass investigation
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