
Web应用系统信息安全漏洞利用技术研究 被引量:1

Research on Information Security Vulnerability Exploit Technology of Web Application System
摘要 Web应用系统是使用最广泛的网络应用系统,针对这种系统的攻击活动也不断地增加。首先,介绍了当前计算机网络应用系统面临的主要信息安全问题;其次,分别根据威胁类型和漏洞利用的位置对Web应用系统存在的信息安全漏洞进行了分类;然后,分析了常规网络应用系统信息安全漏洞的形成原理并给出了具体的利用方法;最后,介绍了自动化的漏洞利用技术。 Web application system is the most widely used Internet application system, and the attacks against the system are increasing. Firstly, the major information security issues faced by computer network application system are introduced. Secondly, the information security vulnerabilities existing in Web application system are classified according to threat type and the position of vulnerability exploitation respectively. Thirdly, the formation principle of the information security vulnerability in the conventional network application system is analyzed and the specific exploitation methods are presented. Finally, the automated exploit technology is described and the whole article is summarized.
作者 万紫骞 吴波
出处 《电子产品可靠性与环境试验》 2015年第6期30-33,共4页 Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing
关键词 信息安全 漏洞利用 漏洞分析 网络攻击 information security vulnerability exploit vulnerability analysis network attack
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