

Criticism of Political Economics: Capital of Twenty-First Century and Capital——Summary of National Summit Forum of Economic Philosophy
摘要 皮凯蒂的《21世纪资本论》自2014年在我国热销以来,引发了学术界的高度关注与广泛讨论,一个重要原因在于它直面了当下全球财富分配不公平问题。它与马克思的《资本论》既有共性,又有差异。我们要进行中国视域下的新政治经济学批判,就需要比较两本资本论,并且对《21世纪资本论》进行批判性反思。基于此,本次全国经济哲学高级论坛会议重点谈论了以下五大问题:一是经济哲学的历史传承与创新。二是马克思劳动价值论:在《21世纪资本论》中的"抽离"。三是表层与深层之间的对立和统一:资本收益率增长与平均利润率下降。四是资本精神现象学的哲学追问。五是过剩经济与分配正义:21世纪两大挥之不去的课题。 Capital of the Twenty-First Century written by Picchetti has been sold like hot cake in China since2014,arousing the academia's great concern and an extensive discussion. One important reason is that it talks directly about the unequal distribution of global wealth. There are similarities and differences between Capital of the Twenty-First Century and Marx's Capital. So it is necessary to make a comparison between Capital of the TwentyFirst Century and Marx's Capital and reflect Capital of Twenty-First Century critically if we want to criticize the new political economics under the perspective of China. Based on this,five issues are discussed in the National Summit Forum of Economic Philosophy like the heritage and innovation of economic philosophy; Marx's theory of labor value about the " pulling away " in Capital of the Twenty-First Century; opposition and unity in the surface and deep levels; increasing in the return on capital employed( ROE) and decreasing in the average rate of profit,in terms of philosophy,questioning capital's phenomenology of mind; surplus economy and distribution of justice( two unavoidable topics in the 21 st century).
出处 《河南工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第4期5-9,共5页 Journal of Henan University of Engineering(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(12&ZD077) 教育部人文社会科学研究专项任务项目(中国特色社会主义理论体系研究)(14JD710059)
关键词 政治经济学批判 《21世纪资本论》 《资本论》 财富分配 资本精神现象学 资本收益率 过剩经济 criticism of political economics Capital of Twenty-First Century Capital distribution of wealth capital's phenomenology of mind capital gains rate surplus economy
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