
中文版生活效能量表在评价军人心理行为训练效果中的信效度研究 被引量:2

Reliability and Validity of Chinese Version of Life Effectiveness Questionnaire for Evaluating the Military Psychological Behavior Training
摘要 目的:修订英文版生活效能量表(LEQ-H),并评价其信效度,为军人心理行为训练效果评价提供参考工具。方法:翻译并形成中文版生活效能量表,通过专家评价、大样本调查,对量表的内容效度、结构效度、判别效度、内部一致性、重测信度及分半信度进行分析。结果:中文版生活效能量表内容效度良好,具有较好的模型拟合,判别效度满意,重测信度和分半信度均较好。结论:中文版生活效能量表用于军人心理行为训练效果评价,具有良好的信效度,可作为有效的评估工具。 To translate the English version of Life Effectiveness Questionnaire(LEQ-H)into Chinese version,and to evaluate its reliability and validity for evaluating the military psychological behavior training.Methods:Translate the English version of LEQ-H into Chinese version,and evaluate the LEQ-H for its content validity,construct validity,discriminant validity,internal consistency,test-retest reliability and split-half reliability through expert evaluation,large sample survey and data analysis.Results:Chinese version of LEQ-H consists of six factors which constituting 24 entries.The validity of its content is good,which proved its model fit is good,and its discriminated validity is successful for every factor,and the good test-retest reliability and split-half reliability.Conclusion:The Chinese version of LEQ-H for military psychological and behavioral training evaluating had good reliability and validity,and can be used as an effective assessment tool.
作者 陈增辉 杜江
出处 《军事体育学报》 2015年第4期81-85,共5页 Journal of Military Physical Education and Sports
基金 第三军医大学人文社科基金项目(2012XRW19)
关键词 生活效能 本土化 军人心理行为训练 life effectiveness localization military psychological and behavioral training
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