Water-soluble ions are the mainly ingredients of PM2. 5 The concentration levels of six water-soluble ions including SO4^2-, NO3-, F -, PO4^3-, Cl- and NH4+ in urban Panzhihua were investigated in this study. The results illustrated that the mass concentrations of PM2.5, SO4^2-, NO3-, F-, PO4^3-, Cl- and NH4+ in atmosphere were 94. 58, 6. 979, 1. 052, 0. 090, 0. 488, 0.483 and 1.741μg/m3. Additionally, the mass concentrations of the studied ions in different months were as followed: Novermber 〉 January 〉 September 〉 August 〉 April. The concentrations of PM2. 5 in urban Panzhihua were highly correlated with concentration of SO4^2-, NO3- and NH4+. SO4^2-, NO3- and NH4+ were confirmed as the important compositions of PM2.5 in urban Panzhihua.
Sichuan Environment