
攀枝花市大气PM_(2.5)中六种水溶性离子的污染特征 被引量:2

Pollution Characteristics of Six Water- soluble Ions of PM_(2. 5) in Atmosphere of Urban Panzhihua
摘要 水溶性离子是大气细颗粒物PM_(2.5)的主要成分,就攀枝花市PM_(2.5)中的6种水溶性离子SO_4^(2-)、NO_3^-、F-、PO_4^(3-)、Cl^-和NH_4^+的浓度水平进行调查。结果显示:采样期间攀枝花市大气中PM_(2.5)、SO_4^(2-)、NO_3^-、F^-、PO_4^(3-)、Cl^-和NH_4^+的质量浓度分别为94.58、6.979、1.052、0.090、0.488、0.483和1.741μg/m^3;不同月份离子浓度变化趋势基本为11月>1月>9月>8月>4月;PM_(2.5)浓度与SO_4^(2-)、NO_3^-和NH_4^+浓度相关性显著,SO_4^(2-)、NO_3^-和NH_4^+是攀枝花市大气PM_(2.5)的重要组成成分。 Water-soluble ions are the mainly ingredients of PM2. 5 The concentration levels of six water-soluble ions including SO4^2-, NO3-, F -, PO4^3-, Cl- and NH4+ in urban Panzhihua were investigated in this study. The results illustrated that the mass concentrations of PM2.5, SO4^2-, NO3-, F-, PO4^3-, Cl- and NH4+ in atmosphere were 94. 58, 6. 979, 1. 052, 0. 090, 0. 488, 0.483 and 1.741μg/m3. Additionally, the mass concentrations of the studied ions in different months were as followed: Novermber 〉 January 〉 September 〉 August 〉 April. The concentrations of PM2. 5 in urban Panzhihua were highly correlated with concentration of SO4^2-, NO3- and NH4+. SO4^2-, NO3- and NH4+ were confirmed as the important compositions of PM2.5 in urban Panzhihua.
作者 陈治翰
出处 《四川环境》 2015年第6期75-80,共6页 Sichuan Environment
基金 攀枝花市PM_(2.5)的污染现状调查及防治研究(2013CY-S-14)
关键词 PM2.5 水溶性离子 质量浓度 相关性 PM2. 5 water - soluble ions concentration correlation
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