分组增强型光传送网(POTN)是以光传送网(OTN)的多业务映射复用和大管道传送调度为基础,引入分组传送网(PTN)的以太网、MPLS-TP的分组交换和处理功能,来实现电信级分组业务的高效灵活承载,并兼容传统SDH业务处理功能。POTN既具有基于光数据单元(ODUk)的刚性管道,又具有基于MPLS_TP的弹性管道。建立向软件定义网络(SDN)演进的、以100 Gbit/s、超100 Gbit/s为基础的超高速POTN是光传送网的发展方向。
Packet enhanced OTN (POTN) is based on the OTN multi service mapping multiplexing and large pipeline transport scheduling. The PTN Ethernet, MPLS-TP packet switching and processing functions are introduced to realize the high efficiency and flexi-bility of telecom level packet service, and it is com-patible with the traditional SDH business processing functions. POTN has a rigid pipeline based on ODUk, and has a flexible pipeline based on MPLS_TP. The development of SDN, 100G and ultra high speed 100G based ultra high speed POTN is the direction of the optical transport network.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications