Random code information encryption is the basis of the security of information security. Traditional random code information encryption algorithm using high order linear micro decomposition optimization of hybrid encryption algorithm, the key expansion process, link layer encrypting data nonlinear mutation, through all the affine transform any wheel key can crack the secret keys, encryption performance bad. A double thread complementary information encryption algorithm based on the amplitude modulation of random codes is proposed. Analysis of the random coding sequence encryption of informa-tion and communication system principle and key design, generate random number source of a source key and encryption sequence the bitwise XOR operation of double thread information complementary encoding and decoding, using random code amplitude modulation production information and decryption key, the encryption algorithm to achieve improved. Simu-lation results show that using this algorithm to encrypt information and the other information systems of password recogni-tion rate is effectively reduced, is difficult to attack detection and recognition system, improve the safety of information.
Bulletin of Science and Technology
information encryption
random code
amplitude modulation