
中美社会背景与非正式科学教育特征的比较研究 被引量:2

The comparative study of social context and informal science learning in China and USA
摘要 本文通过观察与对比中关两国在非正式科学教育领域的实践与理论研究的现状,包括正式科学教育与非正式科学教育的关系、非正式科学教育实践与理论研究的发展水平比较、非正式科学教育场馆与正式科学教育机构之间的合作与交流等,并尝试简要分析形成这种差异的社会文化经济背景等影响因素,以期对今后的科普工作实践具有一定的指导意义。 Through the observation and comparison of the present situation of the practice and theoretical research in the field of informal science education in China and the United States,including the relationship between formal science education and informal science education,the development level of informal science education both in practice and theoretical research,the cooperation and communication conducted by informal science institutes and formal science institutes,and the brief analysis of the different sociocultural and economic context in the two countries,we expect to has a certain guiding significance to the future practice on science communication.
作者 聂海林
出处 《科学教育与博物馆》 2015年第3期166-171,共6页 Science Education and Museums
关键词 非正式科学教育 比较分析 中国 美国 Informal science learning Social context Comparative study China USA
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