

Integration and Matching of SCR System for Medium and Heavy Duty Diesel Engine
摘要 针对高紧凑高效清洁柴油机的开发,选取了SCR后处理技术路线,为了实现国Ⅴ的排放指标要求,分别进行了SCR催化剂及催化器载体的分析与匹配,SCR尿素喷射系统的匹配标定研究,并通过三维仿真分析方法以及尿素喷射水解、热解和化学反应动力学理论完成了喷射管路布置方式的优化设计及SCR系统转化效率的计算与验证。通过发动机台架试验验证了通过上述方法匹配的SCR系统可以满足国Ⅴ的排放指标要求。 For the development of highly compact,efficient and clean diesel engine,the technical route of SCR aftertreatment was selected.In order to meet ChinaⅤ emission standard,the analysis and matching of SCR catalysts and catalyst substrates were respectively conducted and the calibration of urea injection system was studied.The optimized design of injection pipe layout and the calculation and verification of SCR conversion efficiency were further carried out based on 3Dsimulation and theory of urea hydrolysis,pyrolysis and chemical reaction kinetics.The calibrated SCR system was verified to be able to meet ChinaⅤemission requirement by the bench test.
出处 《车用发动机》 北大核心 2015年第6期27-32,38,共7页 Vehicle Engine
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划"863"计划(2012AA111709)
关键词 中重型柴油机 选择性催化还原 集成 匹配 medium and heavy duty diesel engine selective catalyst reduction(SCR) integration matching
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