

摘要 本文描述了8个毛蠓新种:均县毛蠓新种Dasyhelea junxiana sp.nov.,芦沟桥毛蠓新种Dasyhelea lugouqiaoensis sp.nov.,钳茎毛蠓新种Dasyhelea forficpenis sp.nov.,曲囊毛蠓新种Dasyhelea arcuotheca sp. nov.,长宁毛蠓新种Dasyhelea changnina sp.nov.,洪雅毛蠓新种Dasyhelea hongyaensis sp.nov.,树澳毛蠓新种Dasyhelea shuaoensis sp.nov.,老挝毛蠓新种Dasyhelea laoensis sp.nov.。模式标本均保存在军事医学科学院医学昆虫标本馆内。 On examining the biting midges specimens collected the past years , 8 new species of Dasyhelea have been found and reported in present paper.All the type specimens are deposited in the Medical Entomology Collection Gallery.1.Dasyhelea junxiana sp.nov.( Fig.1) Male.A medium brown species.Wing length 1.03 mm;breadth 0.35 mm.Frontal sclerite broadly elliptical, with 2 pointed end ventral projection.Antenna last segment with long apical style; legs pale, femoro-tibial joints darker, hind tibial with 7 end-setae; aedeagus two chitinnized lobes, widely separated basally, and convergent caudad, apically outcurved and pointed. Holotype male, Junxian (32°5′N, 111°5′E), Hubei Prov.June 5, 1981, collected by YU Yi-Xin. 2.Dasyhelea lugouqiaoensis sp.nov.( Fig.2) Male.A medium size brown species.Wing length 1.17 mm; breadth 0.37 mm; frontal sclerite broadly elliptical, with a sharp-angled ventral projection.Antennal last segment with apiecal style;legs yellowish, femoro-tibial joints darker, hind tibia with 11 end-setae; aedeagus two chitinnized lobes, widely separated basally, and convergent caudad, apically outcurved. Holotype male, Lugouqiao (39°8′N, 116°2′E), Beijing M., July 29, 1982, collected by YU Yi-Xin. 3.Dasyhelea forficpenis sp.nov.( Fig.3) Male.A medium size brown species.Wing length 1.23 mm, width 0.34 mm.Antenna last segment with apical style; legs yellowish, hind tibial with 7 end-setae.Aedeagus with rather long basal ridge, 2 caudal lobes parallel, and pliers-like ended at tip. Holotype male, Habahe (40°0′N, 86°4′E), Xinjiang Aut.Reg., July 15, 1988, collected by YU Yi-Xin. 4.Dasyhelea arcuotheca sp.nov.( Fig.4) Female.A large brown species.Wing length 1.62 mm, width 0.6 mm.Antenna last segment with long apical style, AR 1.02; legs yellowish, hind tibial with 8 end-setae.Spermatheca with stout, retort-shaped neck. Holotype female, Ottawa (45°25′N, 75°43′W), Canada, September 10, 2005, collected by YU Yi-Xin. 5.Dasyhelea changnina sp.nov.( Fig.5) Male.A medium-size brown species.Wing length 0.91 mm, width 0.29 mm.Antenna last segment without apical style; legs hind tibial with 6 end-setae.Aedeagus with basal ridge slightly arcuate, 2 caudal lobes thorn-like ended at tip. Holotype male, Changning (28°6′N, 114°9′E), Sichuan Prov., August 19, 1978, collected by YU Yi-Xin. 6.Dasyhelea hongyaensis sp.nov.(Fig.6) Male.A small brown species.Wing length 0.70 mm, width 0.22 mm.Antenna last segment without apical style;legs hind tibial with 5 end-setae.Aedeagus with basal ridge slightly arcuate, 2 caudal lobes bifurcated claw-shaped at apex. Holotype male, Hongya (29°9′N, 103°3′E), Sichuan Prov., August 19, 1978, collected by YU Yi-Xin. 7.Dasyhelea shuaoensis sp.nov.( Fig.7) A small-size brown species.Male: Wing length 0.71 mm, width 0.3 mm.Antenna last segment without apical style; legs hind tibia with 5 end-setae.Aedeagus covered with hyaline envelope, and two caudal lobes long and thin. Female: Wing length 0.56 mm, width 0.26 mm;the spermatheca smaller oval, subgenital plate with large, circularity. Holotype male, Paratype 3 females, Hongkong (22°2′N, 114°1′E), August 6, 2006, collected by Mr.Zhang. 8.Dasyhelea laoensis sp.nov.(Fig.8) Male.A small brown species.Wing length 0.56 mm.Antenna last segment without apical style, AR 1.14. Genitalia 9th sternite with a median pestle-like posterior projection. Holotype male, Laos (20°0′N, 103°0′E), July 23, 1967, donated by Dr.Wirth.
作者 虞以新 严格
出处 《寄生虫与医学昆虫学报》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第3期198-204,共7页 Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica
关键词 毛蠓 新种 中国 Dasyhelea New species China
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