目的 基于Delaire头影测量法对中国美貌人群上颌及颏部矢状向位置参考线特点做初步研究.方法 采用Delaire头影测量法对92名中国美貌人群(男45名,女47名)X线头颅定位侧位片进行测量分析,得到样本人群上颌矢状向位置参考线(L1)及颏部矢状向位置参考线(L2)与颅底前线(C1)的夹角数据,结果行统计学处理.结果 上颌NP点、颏部Me点与Fm点不能共线,故对上颌及颏部矢状向位置参考线分别测量研究.男性∠C1-L1为83.81°±6.98°,∠C1-L2为85.54°±6.76°,女性分别为83.96°±5.43°和85.20°±4.12°,男性测量值与Delaire头影测量分析法原数值(90°)有显著性差异(P<0.01),女性测量值和原数值(85°)无显著性差异.结论 对中国人群牙颌面畸形患者做诊治设计、行骨段矢状向移动时,女性可参考Delaire头影测量分析法标准数值,男性需作适当修正.
Objective To analyze the characteristics of sagittal reference lines in maxilla and chin structure of Chinese good-looking people based on Delaire cephalometric analysis.Methods Lateral cepholograms of 92 Chinese good-looking people (45 males and 47 females) were evaluated following the protocol of Delaire cephalometric analysis.The cranonium base line(C1), maxilla sagittal reference line(L1) and genion sagittal reference line (L2) were reconstructed, and their intersection angles were calculated.The results were compared statistically.Results The NP, Me and Fm are not collinear in our group, so the reference lines should be studied separately.The intersection angle between C1 and L1 was 83.81°±6.98° in male and 85.54°±6.76° in female.The intersection angle between C1 and L2 was 83.96°±5.43°in male and 85.20°±4.12° in female.The intersection angles between C1 and L1, C1 and L2 was significantly lower than the normal value 90° (P〈0.01) in male,but they were not significantly different from the normal value 85° in female.Conclusions When applying Delaire cephalometric analysis in the design for dentofacial malformation correction in Chinese population, the normal values in female could be applied, but the male value should be modified.
Chinese Journal of Orthodontics
Delaire cephalometric analysis
lateral bony structure
Good-looking people