根据2013年10月黄河口及邻近海域大型底栖动物、水和沉积环境数据,应用Multivariate AMBI(M-AMBI)指数评价了该海域的底栖群落健康和生境状况,通过分析底栖群落健康和生境质量的环境限制因子,本文对研究水域底栖生境的适宜性进行了评价。结果表明,本航次在研究海域共采集到45种大型底栖动物,分属于5个类群,其中多毛类占明显优势,底栖动物以生态组EGI和EGII为主。36.4%的站位底栖群落健康处于良好等级,18.2%的站位处于差的等级,其余各站位处于中等。主成分和相关分析结果显示,M-AMBI指数能敏感地响应底栖生境环境受扰动和污染的状况,水体水深、盐度和溶解无机氮,以及沉积物石油烃和硫化物等是限制底栖群落健康和生境质量的主要因子。根据限制性环境因子,本文对黄河口及邻近海域底栖生境的适宜性进行了划分。在水深较浅、盐度较低和污染相对较重的河口及近岸区域不适宜底栖动物的栖息;在水深较深、盐度较高和无明显污染的近海区域较适宜大型底栖群落的栖息和健康。
Based on the data of macrobenthos,water and sediment from October 2013 in the Huanghe estuary and its adjacent areas,using multivariate AMBI index (M-AMBI) to assess benthic community health and habitat status in the study area.By analyzing restrictive environmental factors of benthic community health and habitat quality status,benthic habitat suitability was evaluated in the study area.The results showed that a total of 45 macrobenthos were collected,which belong to five phyla.The macrobenthos were dominated by polychaetes.The ecological groups (EG) of macrobenthos were dominated by EGⅠ and EGⅡ.36.4% samples were in "Good" benthic habitat quality (BHQ),18.2% samples with "Bad" BHQ.Others were in "Moderate" BHQ.The results of principal component analysis (PCA) and correlation analyses showed that the M-AMBI could sensitively respond the disturbance and pollution of benthic habitat status.The water depth,salinity (S),dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN),and sediment petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) and sulfide were main restrictive factors of benthic community health and habitat quality status.According to these factors,the suitability of benthic habitat was divided in the Huanghe estuary and its adjacent areas.The areas with shallow water,low salinity and relatively heavy pollution were not suitable for macrobenthos.The areas with deep water,high salinity and no obvious pollution were suitable for macrobenthos.
Periodical of Ocean University of China