

Advance Research of Radioresistance in Deinococcus Radiodurans
摘要 耐辐射球菌(Deinococcus radiodruans,以下简称DR菌)是一类非致病性,具有超强辐射抗性的球菌,同时又具有较好的基因转化和生物制药潜力。随着1999 DR基因组全序列的发布,对该菌在辐射损伤修复机制方面的研究日新月异。各国学者对该菌的辐射耐受性分子和生理机制的研究已扩展至生理学、转录组学、比较基因组学、蛋白组学等多学科。目前对耐辐射球菌的探索主要在于利用其极端的电离辐射耐受性,构建工程菌株用于复合型核污染地点降解有毒化合物,富集重金属解毒和放射性元素。针对DR菌的抗性基因在农业以及生物医药方面的应用国内外还是一片空白。本文对耐辐射球菌的分类、辐射抗性机制及辐射损伤修复机制等方面进行综述。 Deinococcus radiodruans(DR) is a non-pathogenic bacterium with strong radioresistance. It has the potential of genetic transformation in biological pharmacy. After the complete genomic sequence of DR was promulgated in 1999, studies of it's radiation damage repair mechanism were developed rapidly. Scientists all over the world have explored the principle and technology of DR in many discipline such as physiology, transcription, homology comparison, protemics technology, etc. Strains construction based on this characteristics can be used in degradation of toxic substance in complex nuclear pollution, detoxification of heavy metals, concentration of radioactive element. This review is about classification, functional gene, repair capacity agaist radiation of DR.
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2015年第32期207-208,共2页 China Continuing Medical Education
基金 内蒙古自然科学基金面上项目(编号:2014MS0809)
关键词 耐辐射球菌 基因 辐射损伤修复 Deinococcus radiodruans Gene Radiation damage repair
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