
品管圈提高产房护理质量并降低产后并发症的效果分析 被引量:5

Effect Analysis of Quality Control of Product Management and Reduce the Complications of Postpartum
摘要 目的探讨品管圈活动提高产房护理质量并降低产后并发症的临床效果,为助产质量控制指标的干预和制定提供借鉴。方法在产房成立6人的品管圈小组,成立品管圈质量控制活动。选择品管圈活动前自然分娩产妇126例为对照组,品管圈活动后的自然分娩产妇132例为实验组,分析两组满意度及产后并发症的发生率。结果对照组产妇满意度为88.9%;实验组产妇满意度为96.2%,实验组产妇满意度高于对照组(P<0.05);对照组共7例出现不良反应,发生率为5.56%;实验组2例出现不良反应,发生率为1.52%,对照组并发症发生率高于实验组(P<0.05)。结论开展品管圈活动不仅提高了产妇的满意率,降低产后并发症的发生率,同时还提高了成员的团队精神和质量管理能力。品管圈活动是提高护理质量管理的一种有效手段。 Objective To investigate the QCC improve maternity care quality and reduce the clinical effects of postpartum complications. Methods 6 people QCC team set up quality control circle quality control activities. Before selecting QCC natural childbirth maternal 126 cases as control group, natural childbirth maternal QCC after 132 cases of the experimental group, the two groups analyzed the incidence of satisfaction and postpartum complications. Results In control group 88.9% of maternal satisfaction, maternal satisfaction experimental group 96.2%, the experimental groups were significantly higher than those satisfaction(P〈0.05), control group of seven cases of adverse reactions, the rate was 5.56%, the experimental group, two cases of adverse reactions, the rate was 1.52%, the control group was significantly higher incidence of complications in the experimental group(P〈0.05). Conclusion QCC not only improve maternal satisfaction rate, reduce the incidence of postpartum complications, but also improve the teamwork and quality circles member management capabilities.
作者 艾默 马驰
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2015年第32期221-222,共2页 China Continuing Medical Education
关键词 品管圈活动 护理质量管理 并发症 QCC Nursing quality management Complication
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