
叙事治疗文件及其本土化应用 被引量:3

Narrative Therapeutic Documents and its Localized Application
摘要 心理治疗文件已被广泛应用于心理健康的诸多领域。相比于将人贬低和病理化的传统心理治疗文件,叙事治疗文件记录和认可人们的本土知识和技能。通过在不同人群和社区中传播,叙事治疗文件还能促进人与人、社区与社区的联结。本文对叙事治疗文件的目的、类型、制作要点、应用进展等内容进行了介绍,并探讨了叙事治疗文件在青少年心理辅导中的本土化应用,旨在推动叙事治疗文件在国内的应用,促进这一领域的发展和本土化。 Therapeutic documents have been widely applied into many domains of mental health. Comparing to the traditional therapeutic documents which diminish and pathologize people, narrative therapeutic documents record and acknowledge people's local knowledge and skills. Through spreading among different groups and communities, narrative therapeutic documents can stimulate the connection between people and communities. The article introduces the purposes, styles, key points of writing ,the progress of application and the localized application of narrative therapeutic documents in the counseling for adolescents in order to develop the application and localization of therapeutic documents in China.
作者 赵兆
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2015年第11期72-75,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
基金 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究基金指导项目"家庭治疗和社区工作对学习困难中学生的综合干预研究" 项目编号:2014SJD166
关键词 叙事治疗 治疗文件 本土化 narrative therapy, therapeutic document, localization
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