
中国劳动报酬份额问题——基于雇员经济与自雇经济的测算与分析 被引量:56

The Question of Labor Share in China:An Estimate and Analysis Based on the Employee Economy and the Self-employment Economy
摘要 中国劳动报酬份额问题的争论在很大程度上源于没有区分雇员经济部门和自雇经济部门。在区分二者的基础上,分别估算两部门产出和要素的规模,测算劳动报酬份额,结果发现,1978年以来雇员经济部门劳动报酬份额变化总体呈现下降趋势。在放松要素替代弹性为1的假定条件下,使用生产函数从理论上估算雇员经济部门劳动报酬份额及其变化,显示与实际核算一致的结果。这表明,劳动报酬份额下降有其内在逻辑性,需要从发展方式变化方面寻找原因。进一步估算资本和劳动要素替代弹性,得到小于1的结果,这意味着还需从要素价格偏离其边际产出的角度寻找劳动报酬份额下降的原因。因此,改革中国收入分配状况,形成公平合理分配格局,既需要转变经济发展方式,还必须矫正要素价格扭曲,完善要素价格市场形成机制。 The debate over labor share in China originates to a large extent from the failure to distinguish between the employee economic sector and the self-employment economic sector.On the basis of this distinction,we have calculated output and factor scale for each sector and made an estimate of labor share.Our findings show that since 1978,the overall share of labor in the employee economy has shown a downward trend.Assuming that the substitution elasticity of relaxation factors is 1,we use a production function to provide a theoretical estimate of the labor share of the employee economy and its changes.This estimate shows a result consistent with actual accounting,indicating that the decline in labor share has its own internal logic whose causes are to be found in the changes in its mode of development.A further estimate of the substitution elasticity of capital and labor factors gives a result less than 1,which implies that the cause of the reduction in labor share has to be sought in the deviation of factor prices from marginal output.Therefore,the reform of income distribution and the development of a fair and reasonable distribution pattern in China require not only a change in the mode of economic development but also the rectification of distorted factor prices to improve the formative mechanism of the factor price market.
作者 张车伟 赵文
出处 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期90-112,206-207,共23页 Social Sciences in China
基金 国家社科基金重大委托项目(11@zh007)的阶段性成果
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