
当代美国后启示录小说创作与研究评析 被引量:3

A Review of Contemporary American Post-apocalyptic Fiction Writings and Studies
摘要 二战后,美国以末世为背景的后启示录小说出现了一派繁荣的景象,每个年代都有大量描写因瘟疫、核战、能源危机、气候灾难、恐怖袭击以及金融危机等因素导致世界末日的小说涌现。虽然良莠不齐,但这方面的经典小说可列出长长的清单。作为一种羽翼丰满的文类,当代美国后启示录小说已呈现出统一或相近的风格与特点,有着独特的叙事模式和文化内涵,是一个很值得我们关注与探讨的文学现象。本文在对当代美国后启示录小说的创作与研究进行梳理和评析的基础上,对其未来的研究进行展望,以期为国内外这方面的研究提供借鉴与启示。 After World WarⅡ,post-apocalyptic fiction has blossomed in America,which is set in a world ruined by a disaster.In each era America produces much post-apocalyptic fiction concerning the existential disasters caused by plague,global nuclear war,energy crisis,climate change,terrorist attack and financial crisis.Although the qualities vary a lot,many of the stories have become the classics.As a full-fledged genre,contemporary American post-apocalyptic fiction has established similar style and features with unique narrative mode and cultural implication worth our attention and studies.This paper attempts to make a thorough analysis of contemporary American post-apocalyptic fiction writings and studies,in hope of pointing out the research direction for further studies in China.
作者 陈爱华
机构地区 华中科技大学
出处 《当代外语研究》 2015年第10期61-66,78,共6页 Contemporary Foreign Language Studies
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费 华中科技大学高水平国际化课程建设项目资助 HUST项目"当代美国末日题材小说的叙事模式与文化内涵研究"(编号2013WQ002)的研究成果
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