

Characteristics Analysis of a One-way Micro Expansion Type Heat Switch for Space Application
摘要 为了提高探测器等航天器的温度控制精度,降低热波动造成的影响,基于金属的热胀冷缩原理设计了一种单向膨胀型热开关,利用二维稳态导热原理进行建模分析,得到热开关热特性参数。搭建了试验平台模拟热开关工作环境,测定不同功率条件下热开关的工作状态以及相关性能参数。当加热功率为0.4W时开关断开热阻为230.46K/W;功率为30W时开关的导通热阻为0.302 2 K/W,开关控制比为762.6。结果表明,试验数据与理论计算数据吻合较好,进一步说明了热开关的结构合理性以及适用性。 In order to improve the temperature control precision of the detector andotherspaceeraft and reduce the temperature fluctuation accuracy, a one-way micro expansion typeheat switch was designed based on thermal expansion and contraction of metal. Thecharacterization parameter was get to analysis the two-dimensional steady-state thermal modelingThen, an experimental setup was designed to simulate the actual working conditions ofthermal switch, and switch operating status and related performance parameters were measuredunder different heat power. When the power is up to O. 4W, disconnected resistance is 230.46K/W. The power is up to 30W, the closed thermal resistance of switch is 0.3022K/W, andswitch ratio is 762.6. The results shown the experiment data are in good agreement with the theoretical calculations.
出处 《中国空间科学技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期48-56,共9页 Chinese Space Science and Technology
基金 中国科学院青年创新促进会资助项目
关键词 热控制 单向微膨胀型 热开关 特性参数 温度变化 航天器 Thermal control One-way micro-expansion Heat switch Characterizationparameters Temperature change Spacecraft
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